Biodiversity Science Gateway - BSG

A large infrastructure both virtual and physical will be made available to the scientific community. The Biodiversity Science Gateway, a portal between research and society where the products of research and innovation will become value for citizens, innovators and institutions. It cannot be ignored that the evolution of forms of public-private partnership, the emergence of bottom-up models of decision-making, the spread of public debate as part of decision-making processes (and even as a propaedeutic moment to the production of legislation), are all manifestation of the desire for active participation that necessarily passes through moments of confrontation, contradiction, and sharing of information. The Gateway will also be a large, emblematic container filled with stories of the territory, offering scientific advice, harnessing biodiversity in a sustainable way, and sharing everything produced by NBFC spokespersons over the three years of the project. This will ensure that the project is self-funded and self-sustaining.

The primary physical offices of the Gateway are situated in Palermo and Venice, and they ensure the coordination of diverse range of sited distributes throughout the country, which together with protected areas constitute the biodiversity network. As for the virtual platform, it is an innovative system capable of connecting and enhancing biodiversity-related information, managing knowledge and making it usable, and above all, generating innovations by connecting with entities, customizing services, and data analytics and Artificial Intelligence systems that allow procedures, knowledge, and processes to be made concretely applicable to the territory.

''There are no passengers on spaceship Earth: we are all crew''

Marshall McLuhan

The National Biodiversity Future Center is dedicated to the monitoring, conservation, restoration and enhancement of Italian and Mediterranean biodiversity. The National Biodiversity Future Center invests for three years to structure and sustainably offer the research services necessary to promote economic, cultural and social development compatible with the objective of protecting and enhancing biodiversity. The Gateway will make these services accessible, known, attractive, suited to the needs of all stakeholders interested in biodiversity. The Gateway will become the tool that stakeholders will use to seize all the economic, technological, social and cultural opportunities that emerge from biodiversity research.


The NBFC Gateway must connect the scientific community dealing with biodiversity with the business system, public administrations, biodiversity conservation professionals and citizens as a whole. This mission will be carried out with information structures designed to serve stakeholders, with communication interventions suitable to capture their attention and offer them high-quality services based on formats designed to be used in physical and digital environments. The Gateway will be designed to address an Italian, European and international audience.


The Gateway is structurally composed of a set of digital services and a series of physical presences in which the permanent and temporary exhibitions and offices are located. The Gateway working groups deal with the analysis of the needs of the stakeholders, the direct production of part of the services, the editorial coordination of the contributions of the Spokes and other structures called to participate, the advertising and promotion of the services.


A society aware of the value of biodiversity is better suited to face the challenges of the 21st century, can more successfully face the ecological transition necessary in the face of climate change and can innovate more radically, with a fundamental orientation towards sustainability.

Faced with the challenges that await humanity in the 21st century, biodiversity is a solution: it absorbs CO2,
suggests innovations, improves the quality of life. Its protection and development are
preconditions for the protection and development of humanity.


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Contact Info

National Biodiversity Future Center
VAT number IT07058500823 – C.F. 07058500823
Piazza Marina, 61 90133 Palermo – Italy
NBFC is subject to the split payment

Icon Mailhub_nbfc@pec.it

Icon Mailhub@nbfc.it

National Biodiversity Future Center

Biodiversity constitutes the network of life, it is important to preserve it: this was the start of NBFC


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