57th European Marine Biology Symposium

Dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Federico II University and to the 150th anniversary of Anton Dohrn Zoological Station Naples. From the past to the future technologies for facing the challenges of marine biodiversity loss.

Sponsored by NBFC and organized by Simonetta Fraschetti and the organizing Committee the next 57th (European Marine Biology Symposium)EMBS will be organized in Naples, from 16 to 20 September 2024.

The Symposium theme is motivated by the conviction that, despite the unprecedented changes of marine habitats and biodiversity driven by multiple interacting stressors throughout the global ocean, to find solutions capable of containing the biodiversity loss is still possible. The need to prioritize research efforts to effectively decrease gaps of knowledge using coordinated collaborations, transdisciplinary research and cutting-edge technology to face present and future challenges will be discussed. EU representatives dealing with the Nature Restoration Law (NRL), a new regulation that should become a cornerstone of EU’s objectives to protect and restore biodiversity and associated ecosystem services for the next decades, will be invited.

Finally, the Symposium will also be an opportunity to bring the leaders of Horizon Europe projects in marine biological sciences (including Marine Protected Areas and Maritime Spatial Planning) together to brief the community on their progress and plans. This might become a regular annual event helping long-term planning of between-project collaboration, build personal relationships, and engage the wider research community, particularly early career scientists who dominate the EMBS in numbers.

The year 2024 will finally be an important date for Naples outstanding celebrations. 800 years ago, Frederick II founded the University of Naples, the world’s oldest state University, now called University of Naples Federico II. In addition, Anton Dohrn founded 150 years ago the Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, one of the first marine stations in the world with the first public aquarium.

Biology Symposium



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National Biodiversity Future Center

Biodiversity constitutes the network of life, it is important to preserve it: this was the start of NBFC


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